


Bulletin météo


In the skin of John La Clusaz

While Mother Nature is painting the mountains white, we thought that a dive into local life would do you a world of good. Yes, we’re not on skis 24 hours a day. You wonder why? First, because it’s not practical to take a shower and go to the bathroom. Two, because you have to enjoy everything else… and that’s almost a full time job!

This is the perfect opportunity to get back to basics by putting yourself in the shoes of a real Cluse. You will see that before being a ski resort, La Clusaz is a village and above all a way of life.


In the mountains, winters are harsh. To avoid playing with your health, there is an unstoppable solution: fill up your tank! Just like starting a car engine at -20 degrees, a cure of antifreeze is necessary. Genepi, fir tree, gentian, liqueur of all kinds*… Go to the Distillerie des Aravis where our experts, Sarah and Romain Gauthier, will advise you and initiate you during a visit of the place.

And if you prefer solid to liquid, no problem! We have the star of the cheese platters here: the farmhouse reblochon **. Beyond its inimitable taste, it is a piece of history that you can discover and taste at the Hameau des Alpes, near the old sawmill and one of the oldest bread ovens in the valley.

[To be consumed with moderation of course, ** To be consumed without moderation].


From the professional photographer to the Sunday rider with a GoPro on his head, we all share the same admiration for our majestic peaks. A philosophy that is not limited to the opening hours of the ski area and is passed on from generation to generation.

Whether you are a champion or not, it is often at home, opening the shutters in the morning, looking at the previous day’s pictures on your phone, or looking up at the Aravis range, that you dream of the next turn in the powder with your friends. A kind of preliminary before going to give all your love to the mountain!


A wise man once said, “If you’ve never listened to Radiomeuh, you’ve missed your life.” At least that has the merit of being clear! Perched in our mountains, this 100% musical and independent webradio will accompany you from morning to night to become the soundtrack of your daily life.

From breakfast to the dancefloor, it’s going to groove and, once you’ve arrived in La Clusaz, keep your ears open at the end of the day. You may even find a mix party, or even a real festival on the slopes and in the village with the Radiomeuh Circus (from March 30 to April 2, 2023).


Between two great days of skiing, you need to know how to breathe. This is the secret to staying in shape from December to May and being able to ride proudly all season long. So, to get rid of aches and pains and avoid injuries, a trip to the Aquatic Space and spa is a must!

Leaning on the edge of the pool, you can keep an eye on the slopes and prepare your next ride.


Do you know how to recognize a real Cluse? It’s easy: he’s the first one to party and the last one to leave. To find out, the easiest way is to attend the many events that take place during the winter.

From the LCZ Freestyle Show to the carnival, the Derby de Balme, the Radiomeuh Circus Festival and all the end of season events, you’ll need to be solid. On the skis or sitting at a refreshment stand, it’s a real endurance sport where lasting until May is the number one objective. You’ll have to hang on to keep up with the crazy cross-country skiers on the Boarder Line. Give it your all during the giant waterslide of the Défi Foly. And above all, don’t miss the Holy Grail: the last descent of the Balme Massif slopes of the season.

* For those who do not understand the title of this article, it is obviously a tribute to the excellent film by Spike Jonze: In the Skin of John Malkovich. Yes, in La Clusaz, we also have a cinema!