


Bulletin météo


Your winter training plan: the basics

Driiiiiiiing… This morning, waking up doesn’t have the same flavour. In fact, when conditions are good, everything is usually ready the day before, and you’re even awake before time.

In any case, here we are, the excitement is at its peak. We’ve been waiting months for this day: the opening of the slopes. This year, we’re firing on all cylinders, motivated as ever, and to that end we’ve even devised a winter training plan. From the basics to cardio, technique and sharpening, we’ll be with you all the way to the final sprint. We’ll be there every month to take you step-by-step through our training program.

December is the perfect month to get back to basics. We’re also looking ahead to the festive season, when we’ll be able to indulge ourselves before making our New Year’s resolutions. Our spatulas are already quivering at the thought of the beautiful slopes that await us. So, shall we get started on this great program?


First things first. Every training program starts with a question: what’s your objective? Here, it’s clear: to be king of the downhill until the grand finale: La Der des Ders. It’s a big goal, and one that calls for very specific training. You’re going to need a plan that’s up to the task, and one that’s well waxed. Don’t be greedy, keep your skis on the ground!


Ouch… Maybe it’s already stuck here for some, but that’s no problem! We’re pulling ourselves together, from the monchu to the pro skier, and we’ll all be there for the final sprint, and that’s the most important thing.

“After the summer, I feel like I don’t even know what skis are anymore! “If this sentence resonates with you, then we’re sure you’re already no champion and that our training plan will at least be of use to someone.

To put things into perspective, you have to realize that there’s plenty of room for improvement! The training will have to be adapted to your needs – tailor-made! Bear in mind that skiing is a complete sport: heart, legs, abdominal belt, lumbar region… Endurance will be your best ally.


Well… This little detail still had to be considered in this training plan. The answer is clear, fast and precise. La Clusaz, of course! The playground is perfect for beginners, experts and athletes alike – there’s something for everyone! Trails, puff, forest, kick, powder fields, beautiful views, atmosphere… It’s pretty much the perfect place to train all winter long (We chauvinists? No way!).



Let’s get to the heart of the matter. Nothing is too much for your level. You don’t want to burn out before the final sprint, and above all you want to keep a good mental attitude. There will be numerous events throughout the season to help you progress and stay in shape all winter long.

In this first chapter, we take a look at the basics, so take it easy. The main thing in this first month is not to break a leg. So take it easy, but enjoy yourself all the same. It’s back to work, cool cool!

Enjoy yourself, stretch after every effort and incorporate a little sport with your feet firmly on the ground. This is also the time to ask those around you for massages (because every aspiring champion needs to take care of his little body): family, friends, colleagues… They’ll all do!


We hope that, like us, you’ve already rediscovered the ultimate joy of hitting the slopes this December. An important moment filled with excitement! As we said, back to basics. So if your thighs hurt on the first run, we won’t hold it against you this time. To help you get your kicks on the slopes, we’ve put together a little to-do list:

  • Pack the night before: a champion in the making is already a champion in his head. The first day of skiing is a good wake-up call, but the following days don’t always sound the same. So we stay focused and ready for anything!
  • Warming up before hitting the slopes: va plan! There’s no need to pretend you’re a speed skiing pro; if you do, you’re taking all the risks.
  • Skiing is like driving a car: take a break every 2-3 hours. A good hot chocolate, or more if you feel like it. Depending on the time of day, it’ll do you a world of good.
  • Stretch, for God’s sake: at the end of the day or morning, don’t forget to stretch. Not only do you wax your skis and sharpen your shifts, but you’ve got to look after your muscles too!
  • Get out your diary: make sure you’re well prepared for your unmissable winter events in La Clusaz. We’ll say it again, but if you get a head start, you’ll be sure not to forget anything.
  • Enjoy yourself: this program is all about endurance. So enjoy yourself. No fun, no skiing.


December is the perfect time to get back to basics. We’ve been doing just that since December 2, for the opening of Balme. If you were with us, we hope the start lived up to your expectations. But if you’ve been keeping warm, don’t panic, we’ll be playing catch-up from December 16, when the ski area opens continuously.

We’ll be back in January to work on our cardio. In the meantime, we’ll see you during the vacations with Santa’s Pestacles every evening from December 23 to January 5.

3…2…1… Get those thighs warmed up, it’s going to be a blast!